A basic widget for getting the user text or messages.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
The default style of Textarea component.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Write you message..."
You can change the style of Textarea using variant property.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your message"
placeholder="Enter your message"
placeholder="Enter your message"
You can change the style of Textarea using size property.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your message"
placeholder="Enter your message"
placeholder="Enter your message"
label="Extra Large"
placeholder="Enter your message"
You can change the style of Textarea using rounded property.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
label="Rounded Small"
placeholder="Enter your message"
label="Rounded Default"
placeholder="Enter your message"
label="Rounded Large"
placeholder="Enter your message"
label="Rounded None"
placeholder="Enter your message"
With Custom Rows & Cols
You can change rows and cols of Textarea using rows & cols property.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your message"
textareaClassName="overflow-y-auto w-full md:w-auto"
defaultValue="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate architecto aliquam nulla et!
Amet corrupti a consectetur aliquid qui eius soluta! Quibusdam debitis natus optio quasi
assumenda provident dolores animi? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Voluptate architecto aliquam nulla et! Amet corrupti a consectetur aliquid qui eius soluta!
Quibusdam debitis natus optio quasi assumenda provident dolores animi?"
With Character Count
You can set character limit and show character counter of Textarea using maxLength & renderCharacterCount property.
"use client";
import { useState } from "react";
import { Textarea } from "aegon-ui";
export default function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState("Do not lose hope, nor be sad.");
return (
onChange={(e) => setState(e.target.value)}
renderCharacterCount={({ characterCount, maxLength }) => (
<div className="text-right text-sm opacity-70 rtl:text-left">
With Clearable Button
You can add a clear button of Textarea using clearable property.
"use client";
import { useState } from "react";
import { Textarea } from "aegon-ui";
export default function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState(
"It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout."
return (
onClear={() => setState("")}
onChange={(e) => setState(e.target.value)}
You can change disable state of Textarea using disabled property.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your message"
With Helper Text
You can add helper text to Textarea using helperText property.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your message"
helperText="This is helper text."
With Error Message
You can show the validation error message using error property.
"use client";
import { Textarea } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
error="This field is required"
placeholder="Enter your message"
API Reference
Textarea Props
Here is the API documentation of the Textarea component. And the rest of the props are the same as the original html textarea field.
Props | Type | Description | Default |
label | ReactNode | Set field label | __ |
labelWeight | LabelWeight | Set label font weight | "medium" |
variant | TextareaVariants | The variants of the component are: | "outline" |
size | TextareaSizes | The size of the component. "sm" is equivalent to the dense input styling. | "md" |
rounded | TextareaRounded | The rounded variants are: | "md" |
children | ReactNode | Default value in textarea | __ |
cols | number | Set custom cols | __ |
rows | number | Set custom rows | 5 |
placeholder | string | __ | |
disabled | boolean | Whether the textarea is disabled | __ |
error | string | Show error message using this prop | __ |
helperText | ReactNode | Add helper text. It could be string or a React component | __ |
clearable | boolean | add clearable option | __ |
onClear | TextareaOnclear | clear event | __ |
renderCharacterCount | TextareaRenderCharacterCount | Use this prop to show character count limit | __ |
labelClassName | string | Use labelClassName prop to do some addition style for the label | __ |
textareaClassName | string | Add custom classes for the input filed extra style | __ |
helperClassName | string | This prop allows you to customize the helper message style | __ |
errorClassName | string | This prop allows you to customize the error message style | __ |
className | string | Add custom classes to the root of the component | __ |
ref | Ref<HTMLTextAreaElement> | __ | |
... | TextareaHTMLAttributes | native props like value, onChange, onFocus, onBlur ... | __ |
Textarea Variants
type TextareaVariants = "outline" | "flat" | "text";
Label Weight
type LabelWeight = "normal" | "medium" | "semibold" | "bold";
Textarea Sizes
type TextareaSizes = "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl";
Textarea Rounded
type TextareaRounded = "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "none";
Textarea onClear
type TextareaOnclear = (event) => void;
Textarea Render Character Count
type TextareaRenderCharacterCount =
| (({ characterCount, maxLength }: { characterCount?: number; maxLength?: number }) => ReactNode)
| undefined;