The Tabs Component allows the content author to organize page content within multiple tabs.
"use client";
import { Tab } from "rizzui";
Simple Tabs
A simple style of Tabs.
Recent panel
"use client";
import { Tab } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
<Tab.Panel>Recent panel</Tab.Panel>
<Tab.Panel>Popular panel</Tab.Panel>
<Tab.Panel>Trending panel</Tab.Panel>
With Icon
You can use icon in the tab list item
Account panel
"use client";
import { Tab } from "rizzui";
import {
} from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
export default function App() {
return (
<UserIcon className="h-4 w-4" /> My Account
<BuildingOfficeIcon className="h-4 w-4" /> Company
<UsersIcon className="h-4 w-4" /> Team Member
<CreditCardIcon className="h-4 w-4" /> Billing
<Tab.Panel>Account panel</Tab.Panel>
<Tab.Panel>Company panel</Tab.Panel>
<Tab.Panel>Team member panel</Tab.Panel>
<Tab.Panel>Billing panel</Tab.Panel>
Vertical Tabs
You can create a vertical tab by adding a vertical prop into the Tab component.
Recent panel
"use client";
import { Tab } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
<Tab vertical>
<Tab.Panel>Recent panel</Tab.Panel>
<Tab.Panel>Popular panel</Tab.Panel>
<Tab.Panel>Trending panel</Tab.Panel>
Auto Responsive
Experience our auto-responsive, scrollable tabs. The active tab stays visible, whether the tab was partially visibile or last hidden tab. Swipe or use left, right arrow keys or shift mousewheel to access hidden tabs.
Home panel
"use client";
import { Tab } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
API Reference
Tab Props
Here is the API documentation of the Tab component.
Props | Type | Description | Default |
vertical | boolean | When true, the orientation of the Tab.List will be vertical, otherwise it will be horizontal. | __ |
selectedIndex | number | The selected index if you want to use the Tab component as a controlled component. | __ |
onChange | ((index: number) => void) | A function called whenever the active tab changes. | __ |
hideHoverAnimation | boolean | Use this prop to hide hover animation | false |
children | ReactElement | Only allow Tab.List and Tab.Panels as children | __ |
className | string | Add classes to the main wrapper of this component | __ |
Tab.List Props
Here is the API documentation of the Tab.List component.
Props | Type | Description | Default |
children | ReactElement | Only allow Tab.ListItem as children | __ |
className | string | Add classes to the Tab.List of this component | __ |
Tab.ListItem Props
Here is the API documentation of the Tab.ListItem component.
Props | Type | Description | Default |
children | ReactNode | Use any valid React element or string | __ |
className | string | Add classes to the Tab.ListItem of this component | __ |
Tab.Panels Props
Here is the API documentation of the Tab.Panels component.
Props | Type | Description | Default |
children | ReactElement | Only allow Tab.Panel as children | __ |
className | string | Add classes to the Tab.Panels of this component | __ |
Tab.Panel Props
Here is the API documentation of the Tab.Panel component.
Props | Type | Description | Default |
children | ReactNode | Use any valid React element or string | __ |
className | string | Add classes to the Tab.Panel of this component | __ |